Products / Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Fires

Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Fires

Monitors fire events and measures the greenhouse gas emissions released into the atmosphere as a result of the biomass burning.


Fire Count
Fire Radiative Power
Carbon Dioxide Emissions
Nitrous Oxide Emission
Methane Emission
Gross CO2 Emissions

The dataset provides detailed & high-frequency estimations of the Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the fire events. These fire events release gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) into the atmosphere as a result of biomass burning.

CO2 emissions from biomass fires, aggregated for each country globally.

Wildfires, forest fires, and Agricultural burning are all sources of GHG emissions from fires. These emissions contribute to the greenhouse effect, the process by which certain gases in the atmosphere trap heat and cause the Earth's temperature to rise.


Fire Count

It provides near-real-time information about the locations of active fires in various vegetation types (e.g. cropland, forest, shrubland, etc).

Fire Radiative Power

Fire Radiative Power is the rate of emitted radiative energy by the fire at the time of the observation. FRP depicts the pixel-integrated fire radiative power in MW (megawatts).

Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Total estimated CO2 emissions in tonnes generated from biomass burning across the world.

Nitrous Oxide Emission

Total estimated N2O emissions in tonnes generated from biomass burning across the world.

Methane Emission

Total estimated CH4 emissions in tonnes generated from biomass burning across the world.

Gross CO2 Emissions

Total estimated gross CO2 emissions in tonnes calculated using IPCC AR6 global warming potentials of CO2, N2O and CH4



Our approach relies primarily on a particular attribute of fire incidence i.e. FRP (Fire Radiative Power), which measures the amount of energy released by fire/fires detected by satellites. Using various other parameters like combustion coefficients (these describe what vegetation is burned) & emissions factors (which explain gaseous pollutants), we can estimate emissions from these fire incidents.

The fire counts are derived from the number and location of active fire incidents captured by satellite aggregated across administrative units.



Spatial resolution

375 meter



Data type



From 2015
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